scorpioww 發表於 2014-11-27 12:14:04

獲益良多, 期待後續 :)

C9.99 發表於 2014-12-4 00:36:01

Leica德國新總部於今年M3六十週年展出的展品中,亦有一部Betriebsk M3-1117,不過外型及功能上沒有與普通M3有不同,可見帶有特別功能或外型的Betriebsk機身實在不多。

Carson 發表於 2014-12-4 03:51:01

It keeps well with Leica, as new {:4_133:}
I guess there might be something (mechanical?) different but we could not distinguish.

Pandachief 發表於 2014-12-9 10:42:50

Carson 發表於 2014-12-4 03:51
It keeps well with Leica, as new
I guess there might be something (mechanical?) different...

Eigentum actually mean "property". It doesn't necessary mean it is a prototypes. Some cameras are "Leica Property" for loan to some photographers or camera shops or even Leica internal staffs and they are same as regular production models.

Therefore a lot of them are not early type.. some actually quite late in production.

Carson 發表於 2014-12-9 11:04:29

Pandachief 發表於 2014-12-9 14:42
Eigentum actually mean "property". It doesn't necessary mean it is a prototypes. Some cameras are...

I see, thanks CHing. {:6_324:}

C9.99 發表於 2014-12-9 14:58:15

Betriebsk機身會在未來寫多一部有些特別的M3 Betriebsk後正式完結,之後到prototype簡介。由於同時間亦不斷進行M3Olive的資料搜集及編寫,所以時間會慢一點,希望大家不要介意。


Carson 發表於 2014-12-10 03:49:15

C9.99 發表於 2014-12-9 18:58
Betriebsk機身會在未來寫多一部親身見過頗為特別的M2 Betriebsk後正式完結,之後到prototype簡介。由於同時 ...


demonoid 發表於 2014-12-10 14:45:09


deegor 發表於 2014-12-10 23:23:59

Keep learning {:4_134:}

C9.99 發表於 2015-2-10 17:05:11

藉住剛剛收到下圖這部帶有M3 prototype film advance lever的M3-1170 Betriebsk,寫埋有關Betriebsk既小小知識分享,每部Betriebsk M2/3既製造時間可以相距很長,例如M3-1051與M3-1061這十部估算大約相隔不少於兩萬部常規M3生產,而1061/1093之間相隔估算大約不會少於8000部,所以少量生產的236部的M3Betrirbsk,已經包含了由最早期的雙撥到幾乎最尾期的單撥版本。


YingHo 發表於 2015-2-10 17:25:17


LanLan 發表於 2015-2-10 20:14:47

{:5_268:} looking forward to next sharing article by Ming

C9.99 發表於 2015-2-12 23:18:03

在未正式開始Prototype篇前,我手痕先上幾張今日用MM+肥九係我店中拍的照片: v1 by RangefinderNotDead, on Flickr

C9.99 發表於 2015-2-12 23:31:01

圖中三支係Summarit 50/1.4 prototype, 係f/1.4,並非常見的f/1.5,亦唔係Summilux,而係剛好由50mm f/1.5 Summarit過渡到50mm f/1.4 Summilux中間時期的試作鏡頭。右邊個hood就正正係書中同一個,今日專程由奧地利飛到來香港,相信世界上就只此一隻,E41尺寸,剛好與中間支鏡配成一套,the king got his crown。 v1 by RangefinderNotDead, on Flickr

C9.99 發表於 2015-2-12 23:35:15

呢支相信係三支中最早的試作版,鏡身上及大陽罩上並沒有刻上任何Leica甚至鏡頭名稱或焦距光圈等,完全是無字天書。真係如果放係你面前話賣$8000,相信都未必有人會夠膽接。 v1 by RangefinderNotDead, on Flickr

bubu 發表於 2015-2-13 03:00:35


M3fans 發表於 2015-2-13 08:26:02

it is great to see these rare items, very nice pictures by fat 9 too, thanks!!

Rogerger 發表於 2015-2-17 21:55:26


C9.99 發表於 2015-9-10 10:08:52

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