F0.95 發表於 2014-12-3 09:57:47

M 會被淘汰嗎?

NEX 真的來勢洶洶

vincecharus 發表於 2014-12-3 10:00:39


F0.95 發表於 2014-12-3 10:02:07

沒有NEX 之前 M機比微單有好大的優勢,可惜德國佬唔識MARKETING

F0.95 發表於 2014-12-3 10:24:47

F0.95 發表於 2014-12-3 10:02
沒有NEX 之前 M機比微單有好大的優勢,可惜德國佬唔識MARKETING

就算從現在開始追也來得及, 好似德國佬麼都唔想做

C9.99 發表於 2014-12-3 11:01:05


luk 發表於 2014-12-3 11:30:34

點解 Zeiss 唔出部 Digital 玩吓 ? 剩出 ZM ? 出埋 Leica 都幾頭痕, 不過 M 始終有捧場客.

Ah_J 發表於 2014-12-3 11:51:28

因為有威脅, live view, movie, etc...先出現

Carson 發表於 2014-12-3 12:11:46

I would like Leica M to be evolution in right way. Improve the basic elements & simplicity.
Improve the sensor, ISO, shutter, camera material & weight, & more amazing lenses.

kgv 發表於 2014-12-3 12:37:42

無反 機身 咁薄
大把 空間 出部 類似 ContaxAX 的 AutoM
一眾 M鏡 變成 “auto”鏡
邊個出先 就比個 like 佢 :)
... Leica AM, Sony AM, Lumix AM...

Ah_J 發表於 2014-12-3 13:54:52

kgv 發表於 2014-12-3 12:37
無反 機身 咁薄
大把 空間 出部 類似 ContaxAX 的 AutoM

maybe Epson 出先 ;P

Wunderkind 發表於 2014-12-3 14:23:12

The M is like an good old venerable manual gearbox, while the latest NEX is like a state of the art double clutch gearbox.

Carson 發表於 2014-12-3 20:29:16

kgv 發表於 2014-12-3 16:37
無反 機身 咁薄
大把 空間 出部 類似 ContaxAX 的 AutoM

To have a fantasy day dream, I would like to have 2 lines of M cameras to choose.
1 is to keep the M traditional, Direct, Simplicity, High end spec (eg. sensor etc) & good handling.
2 is to have lots of modern up to date functions (I really want built in wifi ar, camera stabilization is cream on top, may be optional AF ), but rather, may be using previous generation sensor/spec is still alright ar.

C9.99 發表於 2014-12-4 01:43:00

kgv 發表於 2014-12-3 12:37
無反 機身 咁薄
大把 空間 出部 類似 ContaxAX 的 AutoM


end_user 發表於 2014-12-4 08:46:53


M3fans 發表於 2014-12-4 09:09:44

the brand name worth some money, I don't think the brand will die
however, the rangefinder is rather outdated as a picture taking tool, for this I am not sure

CLE 發表於 2014-12-4 15:15:13


hothmonkey 發表於 2014-12-4 23:52:10

買得M機唔只係科技,係可以一鏡多用(菲林M又得,CCD/CMOS M機都得,再唔係Nex、Fujifilm、Ricoh GXR)。

Gphoto 發表於 2014-12-5 01:31:02

我都係覺得 Rangefinder 對焦快好多, 用 leica 鏡多, 都係用返 leica 啦
用唔慣 A7 又放大又對焦呢 d 真係好慢又煩
而且我覺得 M240 出來既顏色好岩 Leica 鏡味道

用咁多部數碼機, M240 好岩我自己口味, jpg 直出顏色都唔駛 tune :lol
只係想有個 ext tube 可以近返 d 對焦, 原廠個 tube 太近,
應該要出個 M mount ext Tube 大約 0.4 - 0.8 對焦距離, 咁就 prefect 啦!

ballgor 發表於 2014-12-5 13:37:53

I think ultimately, Leica should advance its M cameras to have hybrid viewfinder (rangefinder + EVF) and accept mounting for all old M lenses and new Autofocus lenses., but it may take another 10 years....

vincecharus 發表於 2014-12-5 15:37:30

We fans always support Leica, but it's up to Leica to do the work.

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