vincecharus 發表於 2014-9-5 14:13:30

Zeiss Distagon 35/1.4 ZM

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2014-9-5 15:35 編輯 ... es-to-be-announced/

Will you buy?

end_user 發表於 2014-9-5 18:19:02

睇價位都唔會平過皮半, 還只是日菜, 執支2手pre-A lux 好過

Ah_J 發表於 2014-9-5 18:38:56

同意,btw distagon 先去到1.4?

Jason 發表於 2014-9-5 20:15:17

睇下有無11663咁正先! :P

M3fans 發表於 2014-9-5 20:40:01

I would be very interested to know details, zeiss can embarass its competitors anytime
personally I am more interested in the 85mm

bebe456 發表於 2014-9-5 22:29:24

35 1.4 distagon 應該有700g-800g 重..

redrede 發表於 2014-9-5 23:17:01

35 1.4 尼個數學單位感覺好奇妙

頭文字L 發表於 2014-9-6 09:22:16

Zeiss zm 35/1.4 如果係apo distagon 就某情度比 11663 係高光位時候,改善紫邊發生情況。。。:$

kaizm 發表於 2014-9-6 11:48:34


Jeansky 發表於 2014-9-6 12:27:07

仲要ZM MOUNT!!! 皮半一D 唔出奇

jomy 發表於 2014-9-6 12:51:09

If it's MIG, then may over 2500 USD.

頭文字L 發表於 2014-9-6 14:04:59

Apo Distagon 都應該同現時的 M35.4差不多價錢。。。

jomy 發表於 2014-9-6 14:15:47

其實我都好有興趣,用過ZM的15mm 2.8及85mm 2.0, 都非常喜愛,相當期待這枝1.4

頭文字L 發表於 2014-9-6 16:10:58

如果leica 也出apo summilux 35/1.4 asph, 唔知道4倍家陣 50/2AA 的售價得唔得? :$ 接住又 75/1.4 apo summilux asph ....

jomy 發表於 2014-9-6 17:14:02


Jason 發表於 2014-9-16 12:45:52

2290 usd.

Pinger 發表於 2014-9-16 15:38:09

Jason 發表於 2014-9-16 16:20:03

from MTF chart, the new distagon seem to be at least comparable to, or even better than, 11663.

LanLan 發表於 2014-9-16 16:41:14

additional info

vincecharus 發表於 2014-9-16 16:44:04

For wide-angle, the mtf of this lens looks completely crazy!!!If mtf can be trusted this will be on the same standard as Otus!What the chart says is that wide open it can resolve more than 50% contrast for 40 lp/mm tangentially and sagittally up to an image circle of 18mm!!Look how close the tangential and sagittal lines are together: this means this lens has little or vitrually no astigmatism!

The flat field alone is an improvement over the 11663 which has complex field curvature.

However, the lens suffers from heavy vignetting in almost the same order as a Noctilux.

I can say for sure I will buy one of these once the initial price comes down.Zeiss is always worth it just for the colors anyway.
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