Jason 發表於 2014-6-25 11:33:00

Sony A7s and wide angle M lenses

Steve Huff said there was no issue when using A7s with voigtlander 15mm. If that is true, that will truly be a great news.
Any c-hing has tried A7s at Sony showrooms yet?


ic112 發表於 2014-6-25 12:21:02

I tried it at Sony showroom in TST, amazing smooth output at low light situation as ISO 25600.
Btw, A7r with Voigtlander 12mm and Leica WATE also have no issue.

seesawseen 發表於 2014-6-27 21:21:11

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:23:00

seesawseen 發表於 2014-6-27 21:21
How about a7? I am planning to buy a7 + 24-70 zoom. Is this a good choice for new hand?

are you planning to mainly use Sony FE lenses? if yes, i think A7R is a better choice.

as the price difference among A7, A7R, A7S is getting small. My personal choice would be either A7R or A7S, depending on your need.

bubu 發表於 2014-6-27 21:32:22

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:23
are you planning to mainly use Sony FE lenses? if yes, i think A7R is a better choice.

as the pri ...


Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:44:45

bubu 發表於 2014-6-27 21:32


如果部 A7S 用得晒啲 M-mount wide lenses 冇紅閘、冇smearing嘅話,高ISO又咁勁,搭M9/MM一流。睇定啲先啦!

bubu 發表於 2014-6-27 21:47:08

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:44

如果部 A7S 用得晒啲 M-mount wide lenses 冇紅閘、冇smearing嘅話,高ISO又咁勁,搭M9/ ...


Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:48:43

bubu 發表於 2014-6-27 21:47


但係Luminous Landscape Michael 大師話 A7S 啲畫質有數碼中幅 feel 喎!

bat222 發表於 2014-6-27 22:12:28

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:48

但係Luminous Landscape Michael 大師話 A7S 啲畫質有數碼中幅 feel 喎! ...

我都考慮緊呢部機,但Michael大師後來指出話佢沒有說A7s的畫質有數碼中幅feel,只係令他想起中幅,係magazine把他的意思斷章取義咁話!所以我都係睇多d review及sample先再決定!:handshake

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 22:23:29

bat222 發表於 2014-6-27 22:12
我都考慮緊呢部機,但Michael大師後來指出話佢沒有說A7s的畫質有數碼中幅feel,只係令他想起中幅,係magazin ...

aiya, 我唔知佢後來澄清過添!


Sidebar: I'm adding this paragraph just as I prepare this article for publication. I have been looking closely at and make prints from images that I've shot during the few days that I had to work with and test the A7s. All technical considerations aside, the ultimate arbiter has got to be ones own eyes. Technical and theoretical analysis are one thing, but people see images, not numbers. That being the case, I have to say that the Sony A7s produces some of the cleanest, most pleasant images I've seen this side of a medium format system.

People have long claimed that CCDs produce more pleasing images than CMOS. Medium format has, until this year, been exclusively CCD. But now that Sony has produced a 50MP CMOS sensor, currently being used by several medium format camera makers, we see that impressive image quality isn't just the purview of CCD. So – wrong presumtion.

With the Sony A7s we see that Megapixel count isn't the be-all and end-all either. There is something to the look of A7s files that reminds me of medium format, and the only thing that I can think of that could be at work here are the large individual sensels. I can't say why, but like the US Supreme Court judge, when asked for his definition of pornography replied – "I can't say, but I know it when I see it".


But, as I noted earlier in this report, individual images from the A7s have what I can only call the medium format look, which might be a curious thing to say given that the sensor is only 12 Megapixels, but nevertheless is what I see. Large pixels are simply different in the "look" that they create.


bubu 發表於 2014-6-27 22:24:38

Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 21:48

但係Luminous Landscape Michael 大師話 A7S 啲畫質有數碼中幅 feel 喎! ...

外形 喺咪 仲喺咁“7”呢 ?


Jason 發表於 2014-6-27 22:24:54

外形 喺咪 仲喺咁“7”呢 ?
叫得7s, 梗係一樣咁咩囉 ;P

M3fans 發表於 2014-6-28 10:10:31

DXO report is out, also a reliable reference
vs the A7/7r, dynamic range is less 1 stop, high ISO is more 1.5-2 stop

grandetech 發表於 2014-6-28 13:01:23


MIG 發表於 2014-6-30 09:58:44

dchome 有人試過 Hologon 16 冇紅閘,但有像散:


Jason 發表於 2014-6-30 11:48:13

MIG 發表於 2014-6-30 09:58
dchome 有人試過 Hologon 16 冇紅閘,但有像散:
http://www.dchome.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1264 ...

我試過 voigtlander 15mm,好okay wor.

bubu 發表於 2014-6-30 12:10:52

Jason 發表於 2014-6-30 11:48
我試過 voigtlander 15mm,好okay wor.


Jason 發表於 2014-6-30 12:38:31

bubu 發表於 2014-6-30 12:10

我諗 A7s 最啱你setup喎,大多數 wide angle 都用得到,高ISO又超勁。同埋大哥你都唔追夠高像素,啱晒你喎

bubu 發表於 2014-6-30 12:41:37

Jason 發表於 2014-6-30 12:38
我諗 A7s 最啱你setup喎,大多數 wide angle 都用得到,高ISO又超勁。同埋大哥你都唔追夠高像素,啱晒你 ...


Jason 發表於 2014-6-30 12:56:43

bubu 發表於 2014-6-30 12:41

我都覺得係,18000 唔係好值。

等下啦,遲啲有 20% off 應該唔難。
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