keith 發表於 2013-12-8 22:04:23


本帖最後由 keith 於 2013-12-8 22:21 編輯

A great Taiwan movie.

It is not a movie, it is a real life documentary and really really touching.Highly recommend to all fathers !

Six fathers, all over 50 years old who devotes themselves to take care of their sons and daughters who got different rare diease and disorder.Five of these fathers didn't know music and musical intrument at all.Could you believe they formed such a popular rock & roll band in a year while they only spent one day a week in practising ?!How are these fathers taking care of their sons and daughters with the rare diease and disorder?

Very happy and surprised to meet three of the fathers who came all the way from Taiwan to meet and share their feelings and their lives with us after the movie at AMC today !They are so positive and have gained my salute !

Don't miss it!Worth watching !! {:4_133:}{:4_133:}

C9.99 發表於 2013-12-8 22:46:57


paulpaul 發表於 2013-12-9 23:28:04


tim114 發表於 2013-12-12 17:51:52

Thanks ching, I was noticed this movie from your post.

And today I saw the below on news paper.

看到香港的聖誕夜景,巫錦輝(巫爸)禁不住拿出手機忘我地四處拍攝,他輕聲說:「我30、40年前來過。」他與紀錄片中其中兩位爸爸和導演黃嘉俊一同來港宣傳。他一對患病子女巫以欣和巫以諾,雖然已退化至坐輪椅,但巫爸堅持帶他們到世界各地留影,多年來到過以色列、澳洲和馬來西亞等地,他相信:「只有站出來,才容易找到向上的心。」讓女兒找到自信心剛滿21歲的大女兒巫以欣,在小二時,有一次媽媽周麗玲給她遞洗髮精,她竟拿不住,這才開始留意到她反應變慢,經過一段時間才確診患上「尼曼匹克症」(Niemann-Pick disease),一種脂質代謝異常的遺傳疾病,造成肝脾腫大病變,患者器官隨着年齡逐漸退化,造成智力衰退、吞嚥困難、說話遲緩、行動障礙等。「全球大約100宗,台灣有15宗,我的佔兩宗。」接受訪問多了,巫爸能純熟地唸出數字,也不怕告訴別人他兩名孩子患病的經歷。


skha818 發表於 2013-12-12 18:22:13

awesome movie!!!

toys_madman 發表於 2013-12-16 11:52:49

本帖最後由 toys_madman 於 2013-12-16 11:55 編輯

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