vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-12 20:44:03

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-23 07:22 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @50mm, 11-in-1 panorama, handheld


Aerial shots of the Greenlandic permanent ice cap

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-13 19:36:53

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-13 19:45 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm, 14-in-1 panorama, handheld


Jakobshavn Glacier, closer aerial shots

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-15 21:57:13

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-15 22:06 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm


Jakobshavn Glacier

Sorry about the quality of this photo, but the plane window out of which I took this photo was really very dirty!

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-19 19:41:04

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-19 19:48 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm, 12-in-1 panorama, handheld


Jakobshavn Glacier, melting in the Summer

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-22 13:03:09

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-22 13:05 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm, 9-in-1 panorama, handheld


Jakobshavn Glacier, close aerial view

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-22 18:06:49

本帖最後由 vincecharus 於 2020-5-22 18:28 編輯

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm


Aerial shot of whales (B+W cropped)

vincecharus 發表於 2020-5-26 18:00:12

SL + 24-90/2.8-4 @90mm, 12-in-1 panorama, handheld


Jakobshavn Glacier, taken through plane windows

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查看完整版本: Greenland (Summer 2019)