hothmonkey 發表於 2015-12-23 04:11:21

Jason 發表於 2015-12-23 00:48

NEX-5N full spectrum 無filter,機身轉黑白,直出。
咁係唔係full spectrum 無filter,部機直出嘅色係黑白,還是要後制?

頭文字L 發表於 2015-12-23 07:26:46

A7 ..nake sensor 唔知到影出黎,效果似唔似MM呢。。。:lol

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-23 08:41:49

回番hothmonkey 同 頭文字L 兄, full spectrum = nake sensor 影出黎效果同M8 一樣,影多左紅外線同sharp 左. 想影到MM 果種黑白就要連bayer filter 都去除,不過bayer filter 只係一層coating, 而去除過程極影整壞sensor. 其本上冇人會接番後整.我見過有鬼佬整過,不過都整壞左幾個sensor,而且去除得唔完整. 所以要冇bayer filter 既sensor 只可以同sonsor 廠訂製.

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-23 08:43:55

Jason 發表於 2015-12-23 00:48

NEX-5N full spectrum 無filter,機身轉黑白,直出。


頭文字L 發表於 2015-12-23 09:24:21

本帖最後由 頭文字L 於 2015-12-23 09:25 編輯

咁請教下,有無話用幾厚的IR-cut filter最optimize 呢? 例如:由21mm/3.4 super angulon / 21 super elmar 起計算。。。我見外國有全拆A7玩28 summicron M, 基本上同M240 出的相係99.95%近...:lol. 即28mm打上,以經無難度 ?

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-23 09:35:15

頭文字L 發表於 2015-12-23 09:24
咁請教下,有無話用幾厚的IR-cut filter最optimize 呢? 例如:由21mm/3.4 super angulon / 21 super elmar ...

1mm 厚已經係最好. 如果用B+W / leica   ir-cut 就28mm 或以上已冇問題

Jason 發表於 2015-12-23 11:53:58

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-23 08:41
回番hothmonkey 同 頭文字L 兄, full spectrum = nake sensor 影出黎效果同M8 一樣,影多左紅外線同sharp...

其實有無人試過sigma fovoen sensor改 full spectrum 呢? 咁咪冇 bayer filter 囉! {:2_37:}

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-23 20:24:54

Jason 發表於 2015-12-23 11:53
其實有無人試過sigma fovoen sensor改 full spectrum 呢? 咁咪冇 bayer filter 囉!...

fovoen sensor改完 full spectrum都仲係有三層bayer filter,佢有三層 sensor, 每層一塊bayer filter{:4_96:}

CHRISM3 發表於 2015-12-23 21:49:00

請問Fuji非傳統Bayer filter 排列,改full spectrum會有何不同?

alexty2 發表於 2015-12-24 00:12:55

CHRISM3 發表於 2015-12-23 21:49
請問Fuji非傳統Bayer filter 排列,改full spectrum會有何不同?


wk7leung 發表於 2016-1-2 00:10:29

Thanks Alexty2 for helping out with the removal of the IR filter from my D200.
Highly recommend him for his duty conscientiousness and quality service.
Here are a few shots from my "stripped" D200 coupled with a cheap f1.8 AFS 35mm DX Nikkor.

1 by wksevenleung, on Flickr

wk7leung 發表於 2016-1-2 00:10:57

2 by wksevenleung, on Flickr

wk7leung 發表於 2016-1-2 00:11:24

3 by wksevenleung, on Flickr

wk7leung 發表於 2016-1-2 00:11:48

4 by wksevenleung, on Flickr

MYM8 發表於 2016-1-2 00:19:42

wk7leung 發表於 2016-1-2 00:11

DSC_9649a by wksevenleung, on Flickr

very nice indeed...

4466 發表於 2016-1-4 18:07:53

A photos are really close to MM
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