keith 發表於 2015-9-14 09:38:08


本帖最後由 keith 於 2015-9-14 09:45 編輯

After two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and war declaration of USSR, to protect the people and to prevent the war in the inland of Japan, the cabinet including the Emperor, the Prime Minister, 陸軍大臣 and other major members had no choices but to decide to surrender.Unfortunately, some 陸軍 officers disagreed and wanted to continue to fight to the last soldier.

In the night of August 14, 1945, the day before the《終戰詔書》announcement to the public, some 陸軍 officers 起義, they killed 近衛師團長 and 佔領 the palace and the radio station to stop the announcement...if they succeed, the history will be changed...

keith 發表於 2015-9-14 09:58:51

本帖最後由 keith 於 2015-9-14 11:19 編輯

Before the drop of two nuclear bombs, Japan had already totally lost the power and resources to fight.

Does anyone know why US still dropped these two nuclear bombs ?...I got the reason from a radio program last Saturday.US is really cruel.

keith 發表於 2015-9-14 11:27:45

本帖最後由 keith 於 2015-9-14 11:31 編輯

US dropped two nuclear bombs due to a very selfish political reason - own interests and benefits.

While USSR had declared war with Japan in August 1945, US wanted to finish the war immediately so as not let USSR share the interests and benefits from the win and not to let USSR to involve in the control of Japan after the war.US wanted to have total ownership and control of Japan.US wanted to have Japan as her platform and military base to influence and control Asia.Therefore, US President decided to drop two nuclear bombs immediately though Japan already lost the power and resources to fight.

That is, US Govt could prevent to drop these two nuclear bombs.

tplbogey 發表於 2015-9-14 19:09:17

I had a VCD set of the B&W movie "The Emporer and a General" 大戰末日, starring 三船敏郎, 加山雄三, etc., depicting exactly what you mentioned about the very last day before the surrender.

Pandachief 發表於 2015-11-12 11:55:10

I heard that they can actually only drop one bomb.The second one is more a experiement to test out the system one more time......

All US' reason for the second bomb is not convicning.
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