MTSY 發表於 2015-8-11 23:34:47

帶着Leica Q 和 Df 短遊新加坡,越南

有一陣子沒有post相了!今次帶了新買的Leica Q 和 用了好一段時間的Df & 58 1.2 noct 去了兩次短遊。一些零碎的照片和大家分享一下,拍得不好不要見怪。不知為何,每次買的數碼相機都是比較具爭議性的。有一點很多人無講的就是Q夠薄,放在手裏終於有点M4的手感!

MTSY 發表於 2015-8-11 23:35:43

Will post some Df photos later.

bubu 發表於 2015-8-12 00:32:34

I like #662 and #573!

MTSY 發表於 2015-8-13 00:04:46

Thanks bubu for viewing and your kind compliment.

MTSY 發表於 2015-8-13 00:08:01

Some photos from Df

factotum 發表於 2015-8-13 00:23:41


rotarygod 發表於 2015-8-13 08:59:16


MYM8 發表於 2015-8-13 11:14:56

nice !!!!!!!!
Q is fraction of Df + lens (by weight - good for trip)

MTSY 發表於 2015-8-13 14:52:29

Thanks factotum, rotarygod and MYM8 for viewing and your kind comments.

MYM8, your comment is very true. Though Q is not as compact as GRD or Coolpix A, it is still a very light camera with a lot of manual control.It's also a very good compliment to my Df + Noct, I guess 28mm paired up well with 50mm. :$

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