kievnut 發表於 2015-8-5 06:24:17

New camera system from Leica rumored to be announced before the end of the year

New camera system from Leica rumored to be announced before the end of the year

可換鏡的Q? 咁Q咪好快有平二手執?{:4_101:}

頭文字L 發表於 2015-8-5 08:06:38

AF,EVF,4K video,7軸防震,靚*反MON,雙卡,內置神力環,iso 4000000,無限連拍至爆卡,16bit RAW,....等等新一代機都必須要有 :$

tplbogey 發表於 2015-8-5 08:39:04

希望新AF鏡頭系列, 唔係現時T系列嘅MIJ山寨貨啦, 除非Leica 正式在日本設廠, 像以前在加拿大設廠一樣, 由Leica 師傅製造, 否則又係好似現時Lumix 日本製造, Leica 認證, 吸引力必定打折扣

kgv 發表於 2015-8-5 11:47:58

What I need is a RF M with hybrid VF (to avoid the bulky EVF),
then I'd be happy and can survive without the rest ...

Patrickcck 發表於 2015-8-5 12:06:16

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