ww129 發表於 2015-4-3 15:11:15

bubu 發表於 2015-4-3 02:56
啱啱睇紧David Gibson本The Street Photographer's Manual,
佢話,揾到有料到嘅位置,就要耐心等,係有道 ...

仲以为你set 好脚架, 等"獵物"添!嘻嘻嘻 ;-D

raumplan 發表於 2015-4-3 21:38:32

woo hoo thanks bubu hing!!!!!

lc7535 發表於 2015-4-3 22:08:44

快D买0.95 啦

bubu 發表於 2015-4-4 01:47:08

lc7535 發表於 2015-4-3 22:08
快D买0.95 啦

F:2 勉強够用嘅...

In the very dark, M Monochrom works out fine.

bubu 發表於 2015-4-4 01:49:55

Some more for tonight. To be continued...

raumplan 發表於 2015-4-4 02:06:23

funny how i had to close this thread when my wife walked in ;P

bubu 發表於 2015-4-4 02:52:43

raumplan 發表於 2015-4-4 02:06
funny how i had to close this thread when my wife walked in


Guess I need to do some security measure as well at home.

lionking 發表於 2015-4-4 12:45:43

lovely photos.

十四毛 發表於 2015-4-4 13:04:44


bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 02:13:08

十四毛 發表於 2015-4-4 13:04

多謝捧場, 上多幾張。

bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 02:22:45

臨出巷口, 巧遇三位在中國微軟工作之OL, 拍了今晚打烊的一輯。

十四毛 發表於 2015-4-5 03:40:27


ww129 發表於 2015-4-5 07:04:18

bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 02:22
臨出巷口, 巧遇三位在中國微軟工作之OL, 拍了今晚打烊的一輯。

咦,我在京的一个朋友去年底从中移动跳曹微软,莫非因为微软靓女多?!哈哈哈 {:4_118:}

bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 20:55:27

wow, they told you where they work?! 1st shot is very nice!

Oh yes, after I toke the last shot, I gave my name card to one of the ladies.
That's if they want a copy of the pictures they can write to me.
From the Cantonese spelling of my surname they recognized I was not a Mainlander, then we chatted a bit.
So I was told which company they worked with.
The French lady is actually from HK on business trip in BJ.

kgv 發表於 2015-4-5 21:17:29

bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 20:55
Oh yes, after I toke the last shot, I gave my name card to one of the ladies.
That's if they want...

搞到 我都想去 BJ ... :o

edwardyung 發表於 2015-4-5 23:28:03


Dennisony 發表於 2015-4-6 09:08:51

bubu 發表於 2015-4-5 02:22
臨出巷口, 巧遇三位在中國微軟工作之OL, 拍了今晚打烊的一輯。



samfre 發表於 2015-4-6 14:57:07

Good job BuBu hing

bubu 發表於 2015-4-7 01:04:35

samfre 發表於 2015-4-6 14:57
Good job BuBu hing

Thanks, mate.

呢位MM有少少MK feel, 跟咗一段路都拍唔到大頭。:(

bubu 發表於 2015-4-7 01:10:49

回身入巷, 遇上來自內蒙的一群, 笑得頗甜!
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查看完整版本: 北京街拍美少女2015(#94 Nov16更新)